GPROC S8 - Austria GP
Last weekend the GPROC circus was in Austria for the race at the A1-Ring.
The qualfy went better than expected with Roy starting 2nd and Mike 5th.
The start of the race was very eventfull. The first lap saw many crashes involving both drivrs. But luck was with them when as the red flag was out and a restart was hold.
Th scond startwent much better. Roy fought for the lead but fell back in the field after some problems. Mike had a good fight all race long for points, even getting up to 4th at one time.
Roy was on a 0 stopper and that turned to wrk out very good. He drove 1st for a very long time, untill David passed him in the final lap. Roy's tyres were completely gone and he had to let David go. Disaster then happend when Roy's tank was empty, with oly 2 turns to go. He was hit in the back but was able to continue, With only 20 km/h he crossed the line, 3 seconds in front of Ben, which was 32 seconds the previous lap.
Mike crossed the line at 6th place, which gave him his first points of te season.
The video below shows the first lap chaos seen frm Roy's car

23-10-2012 - 15:38 PM CET